Monday, June 15, 2009

The Machine Girl

I had discovered this film in one of my Rue Morgues. I hadn't ever found the time to get around reading it's article but, I read the highlights and the shots they had in the article were very intriguing. Soon after, I had heard of the film by the same team Tokyo Gore Police and God, what a sight that film turned out to be. So, I kind of went backwards with these creators films but, I don't honestly inflicted any thought block to which one would turn out to be better than the other. But, in all honestly I prefered Tokyo Gore Police
just because of the shear fact that this film was whacked out of it's fucking mind. Literally, not to say that the Machine Girl
was a bad film it was actually very original, as most Japanese films are, and incredibly entertaining. Not to mention the Japanese girls they get to play in this film are mind-blowingly cute.

Ami (Minase Yashiro) and her younger brother, Yu (Ryôsuke Kawamura) are orphaned after their parents are accused of being murderers and take their own lives due to the allegations appointed against them. Ami and Yu continue to live on their own and continue with life on their own. Yu asks Ami to borrow some money for a new game and in return promises he'll do his chores and hers until he pays her off and Ami agrees. Yu and his friend, Takeshi runs off with the money to a young Yakuza heir, Sho (Nobuhiro Nishihara), who is holding his dignity and self pride for ransom and demands payment for no reason whatsoever and instead of the money he demands Ami so she can work as a whore in his fathers brothel. Sho wants nothing more than to see the suffering of Yu unfold. Yu becomes increasingly upset and Ami begins to notice but, Yu refuses to tell her what is the matter. The following day Ami tries to follow Yu but, it stopped short by a gang that tries to rape her and keep her from following Yu. Meanwhile, Yu and Takeshi confronts Sho and tries to defeat him to defend his sister and keep her from become Sho's sex slave. Sho and his thugs overpower Yu and Takeshi and throw them over a ledge, murdering them. Yu catches up to where Yu was going only to find him sprawled on the ground dead. Yu immediately seeks revenge on her brothers killers and finds her way to the house of Ryûji Kimura (Kentaro Shimazu), Sho father, in order to kill Sho. Yu is captured and slowly tortured by Sho's father and mother. In the process Yu's left arms is accidentally hacked off by a samurai sword and is left alive to be further tortured in the morning. During the night Yu escapes and runs to a garage that was owned and run by Yu's friend Takeshi's parents and passes out where she is found later by the parents. Takeshi's parents learn the truth behind their sons death and vow revenge along with Ami and train her to become strong and defeat the Kimura family. As, a final present from them they create her a new grafted arm that is a machine gun so she can kick more ass.

The girl that is classified as being machine isn't fully machine she does make up for it with the machine gun arm so the title is a bit misleading. Truly a porno for the ones whom are gore freaks though not as gory as it's successor Tokyo Gore Police for sure. I really enjoy what these guys are doing in terms of film the films are very disgustingly gorgeous both in thought and execution as far as imagination goes. Everything from Tempura fried arms to a human finger sushi these guys have it all. The film is loaded with black humor and the acting talent that the cast lets off is very impressive given the nature of the film and in similar American made films that try and capture the gory and the zany the acting is half-assed and not given that big of a shit about. This film actually could do for a sequel which is usually common but, it isn't likely to see one. Knowing this film exists and Tokyo Gore Police makes me excited to wonder what this group is going to put out later in the years to come. It's a truly popular genre to see such manga type stroies be made into film like most of Takeshi Miike's work. And as the fad goes along the more original these stories become and the more they seem to move away from being based on previously written mangas.


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