Sunday, May 23, 2010

A New Direction

I stopped posting for a while on account my writing hadn't improved as much as I had hoped it would after starting this blog so, I've decided to give it another shot. My brother has started a blog of his own to keep his already superior writing skills sharp, so I should try improving mine. My initial purpose to starting this 'blog' in the first place was because I didn't see any good film blogs on the Internet at the time. I've since found some and it would be in my best interest if I didn't just do film reviews but, just do whatever.

On that note I just watched the second Twilight film, New Moon. A truly horrible film. I guess I can see the appeal to it if you were a teenage girl or a teenage boy who has the characteristics of a girl. The only funny feeling I get from watching these films are the embarrassment I get from the people who act in the these films. I understand every actor has to start somewhere but, Jesus there's better stuff out there. Viewing these films to me is the equivalent of watching Mr. Hands. Just the sheer shock of it.

I still have hope for Kristen Stewart though, She was in Adventureland and the Runaways. Just recently I she has been chosen to play in a film adaption of Jack Kerouac's On the Road that will either make or break her career once and for all.