Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Bride Screamed for A Small Turn of Human Kindness

The Melvins is a band who appreciates their fans way more than they let on to. They come out with a lot of goodies to keep their fans mouths wet with ambition, they tour at least once a year, and since 2006 have released a new album every two years at the beginning of the Summer. It was no doubt that the new release (the Bride Screamed Murder) was sure to not disappoint me or the rest of their fans. But, another favorite band of mine scheduled an unexpected release of their own. My home states native Athenians, Harvey Milk came out with A Small Turn of Human Kindness. Even though, I heard the Melvins album a whole month before I did Harvey Milks release. After much thought I actually prefer Harvey Milk's release over the Melvins' this time. The Bride Screamed Murder has all the formulas in which you would expect out of a Melvins song: scratchy guitar, fuzz drenched bass, and abnormal drum sequences. Talented is too little a word for it. But, as far as Harvey Milk's release I keep constantly referring to it as an unofficial score to theatrical movie. To be honest it reminds me of Melvins album Lysol, I think why there is so much appeal. Though they split the tracks up to be able to skip on the album there's no real need to the songs run together like it's a musical or one large track. Harvey Milk is a band that makes me proud to be a Georgian.

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