Thursday, August 13, 2009

Prepare for Halloween

For those who don't know I'm a big Halloween enthusiast. Before we know it, Halloween will be here so, I'm going to do what I do every year and watch all my old time favorite horror movies since there isn't shit going to be in theaters that's worth a damn to go see. As we all know there are the obvious essentials to watch like, Halloween, Night of the Living Dead, Frankenstein, etc. but, I'm going to pick a few of my favorites and then some I think some may enjoy if they haven't seen them already. So, sit back and let me indulge upon you some that will give you the mood for All Hallow's Eve.

Halloween (1978) & Halloween II (1981)

As Marvin Gaye is to putting the mood for love into people, Halloween is to setting the mood of how fall should feel to an individual. Crisp breeze with a hint of chill in the air. Dead silence only to be interrupted by the the winds rustling of leaves. Not only is it a glorious and immaculate horror movie it also brings back fond memories of how Fall use to be when I was little and there wasn't a moment this film wasn't being viewed during the that time. It was the first movie that scared me no matter how many times of it's viewing. The first film can almost immediately be followed up by it's successor for it follows the immediate story moments after the ending after the first so they go together. Many people think it tacky for these types of film to have so many sequels and the main reason artistically is that figures like Michael, Jason, and Freddy were considered the face of the Boogieman to certain individuals and it immortalizes that saying, "You can't kill the Boogieman." So every year he keeps coming back to get you. But, sadly the ugly truth is that Hollywood is out to make a buck.

trailer part I
trailer part II

The Monster Squad

This movie seemed like it would be like a Goonies Halloween special. It has a lot of aspects of the Gooniesbut, it's the horror fans Goonies. It has all the nostalgia of being a young horror nerd and all your wildest fantasies of silver screen monsters coming to life. The story is quirky and classic and it has a good flow to it without rushing through the film. Seeing all the classics on one screen, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, the Creacture from the Black Lagoon (a.k.a. Gilman), and the Wolfman (whom has nards) is an instant attraction so there are five different ways to enjoy the movie for fans of any one of them. It's not too cartoony to be just for kids and it's not too violent to where kids can't enjoy it to. The film just set of every electrode in my brain and set my imagination on crash courses when I was little. The film may be a little aged but remains one of the cult favorites of the horror genre forever.


The Blair Witch Project

Scary as fuck if you know how to appreciate it. Also, an epitome Fall film to watch around this time. The dead leaves and the cold ground and then the legend of the Blair Witch. When I was little I would read every book I come across in our school library that was jam packed with short stories of the macabre and occult. And this story reminds me of some of the similar stories I would read from the libraries. It's 'artsy' some said, I never truly thought it to be an art film I got what they were going for. The build up of this film that it was an actual event and on top it was original. I soaked it in as much as I could and then when I finally saw it the effect it had on me was what I'm sure the creators intended to have in store for the viewers. Yes, this is one of the essential things to have during the Fall season along with Type O Negative's October Rust and pumpkin pie.


Evil Dead II

To be honest this one has never moved from my top five list ever. It's got a good balance of comedy and a good balance of shear horror. Sam Raimi was always good at using noises to their fullest potential to make things the creepiest they could possibly be in the film. The whole bellowing howl that chases Ash around in the movie still haunts me if I'm alone walking in the dark and it alone has kept me from camping anywhere to this day. Sadly, I know that Hollywood is going to get it's cold dead fingers clinched around the throat of this masterpiece and toss it to and fro until they fuck it up. This one will always have a special place in my black rotting heart.



After careful investigations over the years I admit that Boris Karloff was the better actor than his rival Bela Lugosi. Though both are amazing Karloff just did a few more roles that were much more interesting and everlasting than Lugosi. Frankenstein is the essential horror story about man attempt to play God and the consequences that follow it. The Gothic tale only becomes more rich with age like a fine wine. It never looses it's spectacle or it's edge. It never wears on originality because it is the original. As well as this it's also good to watch back to back with the Bride of Frankenstein.


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