Thursday, July 2, 2009

Carnival of Souls

Part of the list of public domain films that are unwanted by production companies and government alike, this film is among one of the best in that whole pile of 'rejects' of the film world. This is typically one of the films you see lying around in a bargain bin in a department store on Halloween. But, it is true there is always a few gems in that pile of rubble. It was one of the films featured on a DVD collection disk along with Attack of the Giant Leeches, The Bat, and BLoody Pit of Horror, I think. It didn't sound as if it would stand out from the others or not so I just watched them all in order and ended up enjoying it the most.

Following up from a tragic car accident, Mary Henry (Candace Hilligoss), moves to Salt Lake City to be an organist for the local church. Mary is strangely attracted to this old abandoned carnival that sits on the outskirts of town. Driving to town as she passes the pavilion to be stopped by this ghoulish figure (The Man, played by director Herk Harvey) who has his eyes totally fixated on her. This figure becomes the main protagonist in the woman's life as he constantly keeps reappearing at any given moment in her reflection and gradually doesn't confine itself to reflection but manifests into plain view. Her emotions fling from one to another having control over the situation being dismissive of anything supernatural and at other times frightened of the unknown and looks at a scientific possibility to the matter. All while the carnival sets within the twilight and beckons at her to come.

Like any film of it's time it's easy to point out film flaws of continuity, repetitiveness, or jumps in film cuts but, it's a truly brilliant piece of work. It's a great classic for the month of October along with hundreds of other essentials for the occasion. The film is all about atmosphere, the whole eerie and macabre presence the film emits from the screen is piercing and just something to cringe about it's so creepy. The ghouls that are depicted in the film have sort of a Gothic sense to them in means of scare factor, meaning it's not a lot of over the top horror it's more or less just a very strange type film that gives you the willies. Worthy enough to get a Criterion release believe it or not, the film is a cult classic and for good reason. I'd recommend it to anyone who is a fan of older horror films. Oh, and by the way, Legend released a color version of the film, fuck that, this film was meant for the black and white medium.


whole film

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